We are so excited to launch our new rugs on Woven Nook! Each of our 6 designs are handcrafted with quality materials and come in three different sizes: 5x7, 8x10 and 9x12. 

But before you can click Add to Cart on one of our new rugs, you need to know which size is right for your space. This guide will help you decide your rug layout and size, based on what room it’s going in.

General Guidelines

No matter what room, the right rug size will be determined by the size and shape of the space, as well as your furniture. So get that measuring tape out and write down what you are working with.

Living Room

In the living room, you will most typically see two rug layout options. First, where the front legs of your furniture rest on the rug, and second, all legs. 

For front legs only, the edge of the rug should fall somewhere near the middle of your couch seats, not right up on either the front or back legs. If you are going with all legs on, make sure the rug extends at least 6” beyond the furniture.

The choice pretty much comes down to personal preference, however, you do want to make sure and leave at least a one foot border between the rug and the walls. Also, all legs on the rug can help anchor a living room in a big open space, but you do what you love.


Like the living room, you have a couple different options available, depending on the size of your bed.

For a queen bed, you can place a 5x8 horizontally under the front two-thirds of your bed, allowing for about 2’ feet on each side. Or, choose an 8x10 and place the rug all the way under your headboard and nightstands. For a bigger room with more open floorspace, lay a 9x12 in the same position.

With a king, a 5x8 rug is not recommended. The 8x10 now takes the place at the front two-thirds of the bed, and the 9x12 stays put all the way under the nightstands. 

Alternatively, you can place two smaller rugs on either side of the bed, or, if your bed is in a corner, just use one rug on the open side. Choose a rug size that is wider than your nightstands, but won’t extend past the foot of your bed. With this option, the rug should be free, not under any furniture legs. 

Dining Room

General rule of thumb for a rug in the dining room - leave at least 2’ of rug space on each side of your table. This will provide enough room to pull chairs out without pulling them off the rug. This also means you are probably looking at an 8x10 rug at a minimum.

An 8x10 rug will work for a standard 55” six-person table, up to about a standard 80” eight-person table. Beyond that, you’ll want to jump up to a 9x12. 8x10 rugs also work for round and square tables, or opt for a round or square rug at least 2’ wider than your table all around.

Just follow these guidelines to get yourself started, and be sure and check out our new Woven Nook rugs to find the perfect rug to add style to any room in your home!
September 28, 2020 — Jordan Towner

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