Have you seen the new Woven Nook rugs yet? We’re in love with the neutral tones and on-trend patterns, designed to enhance any room in your house!

We know a major concern when shopping for rugs is how well it will stand up to the demands of daily life at home. So here is everything you need to know about how to clean, protect and care for your Woven Nook rug.

Protection + Cleaning

We highly recommend you Scotchgard all Woven Nook rugs. This will keep your rug looking newer, longer, and help repel spills and stains. Getting your rug professionally cleaned once a year will also help keep it looking fresh.

When vacuuming, slow passes are more effective for picking up dirt than quick passes. Avoid vacuuming fringe and tassels, as this can cause fraying. 

To remove spills or dirty spots, blot with a clean white cloth using water and a mild soap if needed. For hard to remove stains, we recommend hiring a professional to clean the rug. Do not use any bleach or other harsh chemicals.


We’ve all seen those rugs that shed more than your dog, and no one wants to do double duty vacuuming. All of our rugs are made with high quality materials to minimize shedding. However, you will get some shedding, depending on whether your rug is wool or cotton.

The Oslo, Maya, and Sedona rugs are a 100% cotton tight-weave, so you should experience little to no shedding with these. That means these designs are great for high-traffic areas like your living room and dining room. 

Wool rugs, however, tend to shed more than cotton rugs. The Rye and Smith are thick flat weave wool rugs and should expect medium shedding. The Taft is a knotted wool rug, so the looser weave will result in medium to heavy shedding. Vacuuming your wool rugs regularly will help maintain cleanliness and reduce shedding over time. 

Ready to fall in love with a new rug for your home? Check out all six of our Woven Nook rug designs!

October 09, 2020 — Jordan Towner

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