Angela Rose Home Collaboration
"I am super pumped to be selected for the #anewnook challenge from the lovely ladies at Woven Nook, and get to use their new Christmas line! I had already been eyeing the new Christmas 4 pack and tree skirts, so this was such an easy update. I love seasonal decor that isn't slap-you-in-the-face obvious and over the top. I love my spaces to look simple, but intentional. And most importantly, I love my spaces to look high-end, but be done on a budget. That's why I love Woven Nook and love to use their items. For my New Nook, I started with my main inspo...the DIY forest framed prints. From that, I pulled all my other decorations. I used my favorite green velvet pillows to pull the green, and then added in the Eve Christmas 4 pack which adds texture, (tassels...heck yes), and a pop of red. I also used this moroccan tree skirt which pulls the warmth of my leather couch in perfectly. I added in my favorite black and white striped throw blanket, which honestly has looked good on my chair in every season. Merry Christmas! And may your season be full of cute pillows and tree skirts. ha!"
-Angela Rose (@angelarosehome)