Back-to-school season is always a frenzy of preparation, but this year things will certainly look different. Aside from the school supply shopping, the most important thing you can do to get your kids ready is to set them up with a great space to learn from home.

Making your child’s learning space a priority shows them that learning is a priority. Not sure how? Just follow these steps to creating a productive work area.

Find the Right Space

Routine is key for children. Providing a dedicated area they can work at each day gives them the consistency they need for a successful year, whatever the rest of the year may look like.

Choose a quiet room or out-of-the-way corner where they will have minimal distractions. If the area doesn’t have a lot of natural light, add some lamps for a bright working space. But be aware of where windows and lamps are, to prevent any glare on the screen.

Fit Your Footprint

You don’t need a spare room or to sacrifice your dining table. There are tons of space-saving desk and storage options available that can provide your little student with everything they need, without completely taking over your home.

And while you are picking out the right desk, invest in a comfortable and supportive chair too.

Get Creative

Don’t get so focused on the functionality you forget creativity. Add some educational wall decor, liven up space with color, or hang a bulletin board or whiteboard.

Visual stimulation is important, especially when they will spend most of the day staring at a computer screen. You could also turn it into a fun craft project and give your kids an opportunity to add their own personal touch to their virtual learning space.

Schools may or may not reopen this fall, but with the right set up at home, disruption doesn’t have to stop your kids from getting a great education this year.

August 26, 2020 — Jordan Towner

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